Friday 23 September 2011

New Buys :)

So it's a week before payday and I'm actually skint and then met my friend in town for some 'window shopping' and 3 hours later I'm on my way home with literally £8 to last me till next week! Oops! Ah well the luxury of living back at home with the parents... :)

Anyone else out there with a serious spending problem that can relate to me? Or any former shopping addicts want to share their experiences (or tips to stop! Lol)

My friend goes through Blusher like nobodies business, whereas myself, I have so many I think its impossible to finish any. Anyway she bought a new Nars blusher in Gilda a lovely coral colour, now she does usually wear Orgasm but has text me today to tell me Gilda is a new fave! So that means I HAVE to try it out when I have the money.......Anyone else tried it before? What do you think? Or what's your fave Nars blush? Mine is Deep Throat... 

Any way here are some of my purchases: 

I also bought a plain everyday top from H&M and a skirt which doesn't fit me right so it's going back tomorrow! I've wanted a nice plain Pussybow Shirt for a while and this one fits so well and the shorts fit really well too... Love them!

Anyone else been on a naughty shopping spree recently? What did you pick up?

Lots of Love 

Siobhan xx


  1. I almost bought that blouse the other day but it didn't fit, so annoying as it's so nice!xx

  2. Emily - Oh no! Go online they have all the sizes still available on there! I tried it on today and think its going to become a wardrobe staple for me :) xxx

    The Divinitus - I am a fan.. Really excited about wearing it (Sad, I know) Thanks :) xx

  3. Awesome buys! I love those shorts! xoxoxoo

  4. I really wanna try nars blushers but they look so shimmery. I'm quite like you, I find that I never get through blushes and I love those shorts :)
